Blog & News

Note - This is an actively revised website, comments/corrections to This website will soon be updated to the 'Edinburgh Northwest Kirk' website.

some news and information from Edinburgh Northwest Kirk @ Pennywell,

Remembrance Sunday 2023

Wednesday 8th November 2023

Just a reminder that this Sunday's (November 12th) Remembrance Day Service starts at 10:50am, pausing at 11am for the 2 minutes silence. All welcome

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Picking a new Minister for the new parish of Edinburgh: North West Kirk

Monday 28th August 2023
AF, from CoS

WIth the agreement to unite the charges of 'Cramond Kirk' and 'The Old Kirk and Muirhouse' churches, we need to set up a group to help choose the next Minister - called 'The Nominating Committee'. To help the group who are voted in to do this task, a set of guidelines have been written and they can be found on the Church of Scotland website at Guidelines Please pray for this group - for wisdom, patience and a sense of humour!

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The Young Folk celebrate the Coronation

Sunday 30th July 2023

The young people of the Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association, who meet on a Monday evening in school term, scratched their heads about how to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. The ideas came flooding out of their heads and onto the cardboard, which they then coloured in and put back on their heads - CROWNS. Great ideas kids, called 'using your head'.

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The Union with Cramond Kirk gets a step closer

Friday 23rd June 2023
Graham Madeley (Session Clerk)

Dear All Last night (20th June '23) was an historic date for TOKM Parish Church and I hope we can share this information widely. Our union with Cramond Kirk was approved at the Presbytery meeting. That also means we have permission to call a minister. Martin Scott has been appointed by Presbytery to be the Interim Moderator for our united church of Edinburgh Northwest Kirk: Cramond Kirk and The Old Kirk and Muirhouse (Church of Scotland). The next stages are complex and time consuming: * Application to OSCR - takes at least 42 days. * A service of union takes place - early indications are this will be the first Sunday in September. Time and…

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Summer Fair 17 June '23

Sunday 18th June 2023

Yesterday's 'Summer Fair', on a beautiful morning, went amazingly well. By the close of the event there was just over £950 in the kitty. After some further sales after Worship on Sunday morning the total was about £95 higher, with a few higher value items left which will be available in the next few days for private sale. That this…

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Petitioning for Fair Wage for Care Staff (June '23)

Friday 9th June 2023

Faith leaders have met together under a joint initiative hosted by the Catholic Church and the Church of Scotland, to launch a campaign to unite the views of the faith communities on an urgent call to Scottish Government for fair pay to all social care workers. The campaign sits within a backdrop of a national recruitment crisis. While recruitment issues exist for many industries, the challenge for third sector providers is made particularly difficult by…

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The Union with Cramond Kirk took another step forward today

Sunday 28th May 2023

Today is the day referred to as Pentecost, 'The Birthday of the Church', so we met outdoors to praise God with others churches. We also had something current to celebrate on our journey to uniting with Cramond Kirk. Some Background given to the congregation today: "At the end of April, at the Presbytery of Edinburgh and West Lothian, the Presbytery Mission…

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Boys' Brigade & Girls Association - P1-P3 & P4-P6 sections have restarted 6pm, MONDAY 8th May

Tuesday 9th May 2023

Rev. Elspeth Harley has noted that there has been progress in a partial restart of the BB&GA. From MONDAY 1st May '23 [note change from Friday to MONDAY], the P1-P3 'Anchor Boys' section restarts at 6pm, with some new leaders and Mr Matthew Young continuing as a junior leader. This is great news for the boys & girls, and we are grateful for all the work done in the background to make this happen. [UPDATE 8th May: now covers P1 - P6, i.e. 'Juniors' as well as…

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North Edinburgh Community Festival 13th May 2023

Monday 1st May 2023

Saturday 13th May, 12 noon - 5:30pm is the date & time of this year's free NECF, and we're hoping for sunnier weather than last year! It will be held in West Pilton Park, with most local community groups taking a stall there, with: * live music, * arts and crafts, * sports, * food stalls, * community stalls; * workshops, * learning opportunities, * discussions, all kicked off with a fancy dress parade (with a 'Disney' theme). WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE ! just pray for the weather .........

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Volunteers needed to re-open youth group

Saturday 8th April 2023

Could you help us restart the Anchor Section of the Boys' Brigade and Girl's Association? We're looking for parents, former BB members, friends or family or church members or members of their families. The boys and girls are in Primary 1-3 and we're proposing to meet from 6-7pm on a night which suits the leaders' availability. We don't expect you to become a leader - but if you could be a helper one or two nights that would be great. As we hope to restart in May, please respond soon by messaging this…

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Edinburgh's Easter Play 2023

Friday 7th April 2023

The Edinburgh Easter Play cast and background staff look forward to welcoming you to the 2023 Edinburgh Easter Play, 'The Life of Jesus Christ' by Peter Hutley, adapted and directed by Suzanne Lofthus. The performance will feature a cast of about 30 people in period costumes, including the participation of the Antonine Guards. The show will take place on Saturday 8th April 2023 at 2 pm in Princes Street Gardens. The show is free, though donations are welcome.

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EASTER WEEK 2023 - some local events

Friday 24th March 2023
AF with EH's poster

Throughout Easter week, starting Palm Sunday (Sunday 2nd April) till Easter Sunday (9th April), churches will have meetings to take time to reflect on the the events of the last week of Jesus'…

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